Saturday 15 October 2011

AristenFx FxStudio Designer v2.7.0

AristenFx FxStudio Designer v2.7.0 | 140 MB
FxStudio Designer provides the design surface for creating outstanding visual effects. The familiar, friendly and powerful user interface incorporates tried and tested features to aid the artist. FxStudio Designer brings an enjoyable workflow and experience to visual effects development. By keeping similar elements grouped together an artist can quickly achieve desired results. When coupled with real-time preview the artist has zero iteration time to see his or her changes.

SPEED : Real-time Preview

Effect changes are tracked immediately, from adding a new component to tweaking a value in a property you will see those changes instantly with the help of the preview system. This is a critical element in developing the best visual effects possible.

FLOW : Track Based Sequencer

Timelines and tracks are a familiar environment to anyone who has used sequencing software. If you are new, it is immediately intuitive as you have control over what happens when. No debugging of complex node networks necessary.

Drag and drop components onto a track and then drag to setup the play time of the component. Organize components with track groups and rearrange tracks as you desire.

ORGANIZE : Effect Browser

An integrated effect browser helps to organize your assets and quickly find what you are looking for. Coupled with an easy to use search filter this makes an ideal setup for managing thousands of visual effects.

TWEAK : In-Place Property Editing

Property editing is made easy with the property editor panel which is tightly coupled to the effect being edited. Make changes quickly and easily. The user interface fosters tweaking and iterating - both critical elements to achieving high quality visual effects.

Specialize properties for specific platforms and setup level of detail on your effects. Choose new values based on level of detail to ensure your effects look fantastic at any distance and keep that frame rate high.


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