Tuesday 1 May 2012

Zeta Uploader

Zeta Uploader | 1.35 MB

With the free application Zeta Uploader you can conveniently and easily send files online up to 2GB in size. Zeta Uploader is a Web application that runs on any operating system as well as a Windows application with corresponding power functions.

Sending files has become an everyday thing. With the free application Zeta Uploader you can conveniently send files online up to 2GB in size. Every day you need to quickly exchange files, to convey important information to a customer, or even in private life to transfer photos and documents from A to B. Normally you use an e-mail account and add the files to be sent as attachments to the message. This has the disadvantage that it may take a long time for the data to be transmitted, depending on the file size. In addition, the recipient's mailbox may not accept large files.

A better solution is the free to use Zeta Uploader service. This solution is a Web application that runs on any operating system as well as a Windows application with corresponding power functions.

The procedure for sending process is very simple: open the application, select from your local hard disk all the files you want to send. Then select the address of the e-mail recipients to whom you want to send the files. Of course you can also manually enter additional recipients. Optionally, you can enter a text note to the recipient. Then click on "Submit" and you're done with your work. Everything else is now done by Zeta Uploader: the files are combined and compressed, then transferred to the server. Once there an e-mail message is sent to the receiver with a personal download link to the newly uploaded file, along with your comment. The recipient can then download the file by a simple click in the e-mail message or open it directly in the browser and view online. 


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